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Posts posted by Geedubbleya

  1. Hi fellow Jaguar owners, I have a question to ask you knowledgeable people when it comes to all matters Jaguar. My S type 2.7D Auto has recently developed a slight whine type noise when pressing the accelerator pedal. This stops whenever I lift my foot off the pedal. Any ideas as to what might be going on? A possible leaking air hose has been suggested to me as a possible cause.

    All assistance gratefully welcomed, regards Graham

  2. Hi fellow Jaguar owners. I have question about remapping. I am thinking of having my 2007 S-Type 2.7D remapped. This will increase the bhp and torque settings but more importantly will improve fuel consumption rates and apparently reduce CO2 emissisions. There seems to be a debate as to whether I have to notify my insurers of the modification. I am led to believe that some insurers will not insure a remapped car, would that be true? If my insurers are one of those who will not,  do any of you know of one that will? I also own a 1998 4.0 V8 XJ8 an would welcome any advice about insuring both cars.

  3. Hi fellow Jaguar owners. I have just taken delivery of a 2007 S Type 2.7D which makes 2 Jags I now own. (no references to John Prescott please). I also need to update the sat nav as this has not been done since 2012. I have tried the link suggested but this does not seem to up and running now. All I am getting is an offer to purchase the domain. Can anybody suggest another source for the update please?

  4. Whilst being biased I have to admit I've seen a few owners giving the rest of us a bad name. Perhaps they have forgotten that they are driving a Jag and think they are driving a BMW. I will however remain the most courteous of drivers in order to maintain standards (until some numpty cuts me up or does something really stupid around me)




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  5. Hi Joe


    Thanks for your info, simular to my own investigations. Makes your wonder if installing one is worth the trouble and expense. You're right that insurance companies won't give any discounts. Maybe I won't bother. Thanks again, best regards Graham

  6. Hello fellow Jaguar owners. I have only recently purchased the Jag I've always wanted, a 1998 XJ8 4.0 V8. However it did not come with a driver's handbook to tell me how everything works. Would anybody be able to steer me in the right direction to get hold of one?

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