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Simon David Thomas

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Posts posted by Simon David Thomas

  1. Hi all,

    I bought my first Jag last week and am looking for a couple of bits of advice; it's a 2007 XJ Executive TDVi (pre-facelift, the X350 version).

    1) It only came with the one key. Call me paranoid, but I hate the idea of having no backup; every other car I've owned has had a spare key hanging up in the kitchen "just in case". I see adverts on eBay, specialists offering to come out and do the cutting and programming etc. and was hoping to get some advice as to what course of action to take. E.g.: Is it worth buying a spare key and taking it to a Jag dealership to get it programmed? Are there other options available? I'm guessing other people have run into this before.

    2) Satnav DVDs. The car has the touchscreen setup with the DVD-ROM drive for the satnav behind a panel in the boot - the disk itself was missing (and the dealer knocked £60 off the price for that). Again, there are numerous examples on eBay and Amazon, running from £25 to £55, with the latest version seeming to be 2012. Is 2012 the absolute latest? I'm guessing probably yes, as an SD card-based system would have more storage, fewer moving parts and be more robust than an optical drive. Has anyone had prior experience with these disks?

    All advice and opinion is welcome.


  2. Well, it's taken me the best part of fifty years (ok, so if I only count years able to drive, 31) but I finally have my first Jag. There's been a lot of coveting down the years and some almost purchases, but I'm finally in a position where I could justify the purchase, so I took the plunge last Friday. I'm now the inordinately proud owner of a LWB 2007 XJ Executive TDVi; dark blue, cream interior, totally gorgeous; the family loves it, "silky" was how my 10 year old nephew described it to his Gran.

    I'll likely be posting on here asking various bits of advice. See you all around!

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