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Graham C

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Posts posted by Graham C

  1. For a few months, the auto trans warning light has come on intermittently. Usually, or always on a cold start.

    I had a fluid and filter change done. However, on picking the car up, the garage said that the filter was not the metal box type filter, but a mesh one.

    I can't find any info to mention a mesh filter. They cleaned it out. But the light can still come on.

    Usually the light doesn't come on the third start and the car runs perfectly.

    The car is a japanese import and many of the specialists I've contacted don't like the thought of that. But a gearbox is a gearbox.

    Can anyone help please?

  2. Hi Everyone.

    I've had a long standing problem with my 1992 4.0L Xjs.

    When the car has been run to full engine temperature, the left for say 90 mins, shortly after moving off the engine has a hesitation as if stopping for a few seconds.

    It feels like fuel starvation. However a new pump and filter have been fitted along with leads, dizzy, rotor arm etc.

    The car runs beautifully after this short hiccup. However it could happen causing a dangerous situation.

    The engine has many sensors, many of which have been replaced.

    Is there a component I've missed to do with 'warm starting'?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks.

  3. Hi everyone.

    I'm pretty sure my 2009 4.2 XK has adaptive suspension. Is there a component that can fail causing the ride to go hard and then back to normal?

    Main dealers never allow me to talk to their technicians, only 'let's book it in to have a look at it'.

    They'd want at least £100 just to tell me they can't find a fault.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Graham C

  4. Hi,

    In the late 1980's I owned a red XJS V12, unfortunately it was already 12 years old and to put it bluntly it was a rot box. However I've always had a hankering to own another.

    I've been scanning the usual websites for quite a long time, but always found that where the advert showed the Rgn and therefore I could check the MoT history, the outcome was generally corrosion here and corrosion there. I was even considering importing one from California but found the import charges etc too rich for my liking.

    I then found a small family run business in this country importing Jaguars from Japan. The climate over there produces cars that are pretty rock solid. I don't know whether I can name the Company (perhaps Old Peter can advise me). Anyhow, I found dealing with them an utter delight.

    On that basis I purchased a beautiful British Racing Green XJS 1992 4L with which I am well pleased. The only niggle is that I seem to remember my first XJS had more legroom.

    The car though is rock solid underneath, and the bodywork is fantastic. I paid quite a lot, but XJS's seem to be appreciating in value.

    The car came with a Owners Handbook, but I can't read Japanese!!

    Does anyone in the Club know where I might find one? I've scoured the internet to no avail.


  5. Hi John D,

    Happy New Year.

    On my car, though I have no water ingress, the cardboard cover you mentioned had deteriorated so much I was catching the top of my shoes in it. It was actually quite danderous!

    The damage was done by previous owners.

    I then cut away the damaged areas but now find the heat is roasting my feet.

    I'm thinking of buying a replacement and having it fitted by my local 'trimmers' who can 'whip' the seat out for easy access.

    Hi Jon W, Just buy one, the sheer experience of the drive and the admiring comments from a myriad of  people is well worth it.


  6. Hi Guys,

    My 'Extended Jaguar Approved Warranty' comes to an end early next year. I found details of a Warranty Co (no names) who immediately after I'd entered my details, and I mean immediately, were on the phone to me pushing their wares. They offered a wear and tear policy at a final knock down price of just under £750.

    I then contacted my dealer and discussed the possibilty of extending my current policy, they said no problem, at a cost of £1100.

    Over the past 2 years I've had work done under warranty that must have cost quite a few hundred pounds, so bearing that in mind I'm under the usual dilemma, what to do next.

    The car (XK60) is now 7 years old, and done 52K. Dealership labour rates are about £150 per hour so it's tempting, however it's the usual risk, will the car break down or not!

    What are your views, do or don't?



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