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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2016 in Posts

  1. at the moment there has been a few issues on paint? because before i had the car one or two panels have had some work done on them but not a complete spot on match which is noticed only when in different lights of the day. but other wise not that noticeable in general. the body shop guys have been really good up to now in trying there best to do a good close colour match. but as you say the cars age and sun uvs on the paint work does take its toll. any way keep an i on this as i will update with pics. cheers and thanks dave....
    1 point
  2. Sorry just seen this. I haven't been, but I still may. I've decided to sell my ZT first, but with a twist?? Little bit of background. In March of last year my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, she's now doing well I am glad to say. To say it has been a difficult time is an understatement. Like most people I would like to put something back into the system that has helped us, most folks go for a 10k run or jump out of a perfectly serviceable plane and ask friends, relatives and neighbours to sponser them a few quid. Unfortunately my own health issues, chronic asthmatic and a replacement hip, exclude me from taking up such dangerous exploits. So I'm going to auction off the ZT with ALL proceeds going to Breast Cancer Care. It's not worth a huge amount, certainly not £1000's, whatever it makes will go to the charity. When sold I may still go and have a look, it's still there and no movement on the price. Who knows if, with no P/ex, I might get it down to something nearer its true worth - whatever that is? Gary M.
    1 point
  3. Hi all, I have just taken delivery of my 2010 XF'S 3.0 diesel. It has 55.000 miles can anyone give me an idea of when belt needs doing and how much I can expect to pay. Thanks Ian
    1 point
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