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  1. a front end shot from earlier this year 😀 tows the caravan beautifully
    3 points
  2. A fantastic period piece featuring the iconic E-Type Jaguar (well what else are you going to use in a road movie). This fantastic film produced by Pirelli using an e-type (XKE) Jaguar to demonstrate their range of Cinturato Tires. By the time this film was made the Pirelli Cinturato range had already been available for over a decade.Pirelli’s Cinturato range of tires dramatically changed people’s perception of how good tires could be. They improved the handling of cars like an e-type Jaguar, when fitted with these progressive sports car tires. https://www.cinturato.net/tortoise-and-hare.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2gKn11c8-xaXDe3CsA4XlIcw6wMfdGqFki-z6VEGXrpr_u8USMJdKjVm8_aem_qOpi8lKqwyFk5IjgbhXVWw
    2 points
  3. I enjoy looking in the members gallery and encourage other JOC members to post photos of their Jag, I thought a thread of Front Ends would be good to see, with a little detail if you wish. Here’s my XF which I purchased in October 2023.
    2 points
  4. ...and my pair.... I've had the Sportbrake for 6 years and the X-Type for 12 months. It still has under 27k on the clock, serviced every 12 months and an interior like new. It even had the previous owners leather driving gloves in the glove box along with a bag of Werthers 🙂 It now has new sills and is fully Lanoguarded underneath. Failed 2 MOTs in its life, once for headlight aim and once for sills in 2017. Currently working on the original wheels but got some refurbed X-Triple 5 on at the moment with Goodyear Vector 3 all seasons.
    2 points
  5. Here's one of mine on the original plates :
    2 points
  6. Nice one Ian! This is my XK8. I've only had her for about 3 months. Endless grin!!
    2 points
  7. Thank you for your thoughts and good luck going forward.
    1 point
  8. Thank you and I feel the same with regards to the car. A car I fell in love with, purchased without ever seeing it let alone sitting in one (during covid) Jaguar didn’t have the colour I wanted anywhere down south so had this one shipped to me. Sounds like a love story 😂 but I really have enjoyed and loved it. Now, umm… how can I trust a car that blows up? If they replace the engine with the same !Removed! engine, who’s to say it won’t do it again and next time I could have my son on the car and my husband over seas (he spends 80% of his time away with work). Loosing faith in a car is when it’s time to get rid of it, however on the flip, you’d like to think lightening won’t strike twice? For now I just want it off the drive (thankfully it will be back at !Removed! Lovett (tomorrow afternoon). It won’t be looked at for 2-3 weeks which is fine as we are away for a month come Thursday, so I’ll be picking up the drama when I get home. !Removed! Lovett will email me with the diagnostics when done. Let’s just keep everything crossed that what !Removed! Lovett have said, will be what’s offered or better 🤞 With regards to the American action taking place, this is great and I’ll also go look as they need to be held accountable and England need to follow suit! I glad you sorted your car out but gutted that it cost you so much money 😬😢 JLR shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this!
    1 point
  9. Yep, fully understand and agree your sentiments/frustration/annoyance. Mine blew up on the motorway at 70mph just b4 Xmas 23. After messing around with JLR BS I took a long hard look at Repair/Get-Rid options and costs. Plus, after this awful failure I had to decide whether I was still 'in love' with the vehicle and if not, how would I get back to feeling good about F-pace ownership. 2 months thinking time. For the get-rid option was offered 10k by JLR (mine cost 34K in 2022) for the vehicle in broken-down condition. Decided (60/40) wanted the car, had zero confidence in JLR, had to avoid throwing good money after bad etc. Looked deep into suitable repair garages etc, hence SSG Prestige. All dbl super duper after that decision and repair = feeling good about all. However, I am down 17K. On another Jag owners site there is some class action stuff going on, USA generated (I believe) where JLR rep has sunk so low that new vehicle warranty has been increased to 5 years + free servicing. I have joined that action for (some) recompense of replacement motor + turbos costs. I wish JLR Europe had that. My experience with JLR was/is that they provide all possible help short of any actual assistance. Such and awfully frustrating/time wasting experience. I decided that life was too short to continue beating my head against their brick walls so took the self-funded repair route, promised myself to avoid JLR in future where/when possible (for servicing, future repairs etc) and started 'fighting' them as part of a wider (more powerful) lobby group. Your 80% JLR repair cost offset sounds considerably better than many, many others. If you can get a written commitment to that figure (pref 100%) then I'd go for it. But because JLR are basically a-holes I expect the harder you push the lower the offer will become. Each to his own and good luck.
    1 point
  10. For me Ian, Saturday is preferable. Obviously i can't speak for the others and i'll go with the consensus.
    1 point
  11. How very disappointing - good luck with the dealer. JLR main dealer is it? Had my F-pace engine and turbos replaced by SSG Prestige in Thurnscoe nr Barnsley (5*).
    1 point
  12. Hi all I have posted already due to gear box fault warning, pride owner of 07 X type 3.0 sovereign estate 70.000 miles Dave L
    1 point
  13. Welcome Dave, I’ve found JOC to be very helpful and friendly do post some photos of you car in the gallery. Kr Ian
    1 point
  14. If you own a Jaguar and live in or around the Northeast of Scotland, why not come along to the Grampian Region JEC Annual Gathering at Drum Castle near Drumoak, just off the A93 North Deeside Road out of Aberdeen. It takes place on Sunday, the 28th of July 2024, with cars to be parked on the Castle's south lawn by 11:00. Where? Drum Castle near Drumoak on Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire, the postcode for your sat nav is: AB31 5EY When? Sunday, July 28th, 2024. Jaguars will be parked on the castle lawn by 11:00, and members of the public will be on site from 12:00 to 16:00. A warm welcome awaits you where the castle provides a stunning backdrop to a wonderful afternoon with the cars displayed on the castle lawn. As well as the Jaguars on display, there will be a guest car club, the Austin Healey Club in 2024, as well as the Pipes and Drums of the Gordon Highlanders Association playing four sets during the afternoon. There will be raffles, a bottle stall, cake and candy and our famous strawberries and cream to enjoy. The primary purpose of the gathering is to raise funds for local charities. There will be informal concours judging of the cars, with a trophy awarded at the end of the day for the best-presented car from each decade, from the 1940s to the 2010s. In addition, multiple other trophies will be awarded for highest mileage, furthest travelled to the event, ladies’ choice, and guest car. N6 JMX
    1 point
  15. Hi Gary, why not pop along to Drum Castle near Drumoak on Sunday the 28th of July 2024 for the Annual Gathering of the JEC. Cars parked up by 11:00 and prize giving at 15:30. Satnav postcode is AB31 5EY. A grand day out with fellow Jaguar Enthusiasts. N6 JMX
    1 point
  16. You get weeks like that sometimes. Glad it all happened close to home for you and i should think the "wee dram" is on a "rinse and repeat cycle"!
    1 point
  17. You could say that for sure 😂 mind you given the job I’m glad it happened now and not when we’re away somewhere.
    1 point
  18. Sounds like a busy week
    1 point
  19. Great photo, I hope you’re enjoying your Jag 🐆 as much as I’m enjoying mine 👍🏻
    1 point
  20. Hi Ian Yes here she is, now I've got original wheels taking up space in my bedroom. It makes getting up in the dark very tricky.
    1 point
  21. Being a law obiding individual I took Charlie to the vets this week to get him "chipped". Very disappointed with the outcome though. No faster and certainly no better economy. (Charlie, by the way, is a half bred Bengal)
    1 point
  22. Dear Phil, same happened to me and my 2017 Fpace at 60,000miles. Although I had extended guarantee, I had to fight for months with jaguar in order for them to pay for replacing the engine. More battles were to be had when both the tubo and manifold failed. In the end, armed with loads of patience, phone calls and emails bombardment to all I could think of, jaguar paid out for the work (however they void all guarantee on their work!) A tiring process and totally disgraceful situation. which is not what you expect from such a reputable company. Good luck .
    1 point
  23. I attended this show last year. Good day, lovely setting. https://youtu.be/cHnlH-vxBD8
    1 point
  24. Here's the Jaguar VIN decoder. It shows full specs and the list of options. Hope it helps.
    1 point
  25. From the album: jimmy

    A rather nice e type stored in a New south Wales showroom
    1 point
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