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Posts posted by Jaguar Owners Club

  1. Hi Andrew

    I think it may be wise to leave the bonnet open in the sun and let things dry out and then go through each individual component that could have been affected.
    It may be worth leaving the cambelt till last to assume its that at fault and saves tearing the engine down for something that may be a simple cure.
    I would start with any ignition components and sensor (including crank and cam sensors as these can fit the symptoms you are describing)

    As long as the engine did not chronically overheat then the internals and gaskets should be fine.

    Let us know how it goes and what you find

  2. Hi Mark.....welcome to the Club

    Sorry for the late response.
    I seem to recall Reggie Perrin living there but fondly remember his reference to his mother-in-law as a Hippo 🙂

    What sort of issues has the XK8 had?

    Good to have you onboard
    Cheers.  Trevor

  3. Hi Alan

    Sorting out the new technology with anything nowadays is an absolute nightmare so you have my sympathies with your predicament.

    I'm not personally au-fait myself but I'm sure someone will come along shortly to give you some guidance

    All the best,  Trevor

  4. Hi Bill.

    Albeit it seems like you may have got a bargain, if it is Oil pump, bottom end engine wear or other related issues then this may cost vastly more than possibly fitting another engine and go from there.

    It would be prudent to take some true readings....e.g. Oil pressure, compression, leak-down, etc to determine exactly what is going on inside the engine.

    Keep up updated as always keen to know any related issues with these engines and good luck

  5. Hi Allan....welcome to the Forum

    It's a difficult one and something we have never encountered before and hopefully never will in the future.
    I'm of the belief that we should only use the car as you are currently (and sensibly) using it but this will accelerate any issues with the car including huge drain on the battery if only used for a short distance which won't give it a full charge.

    I suppose the ultimate answer is not use the car, keep it on trickle charge and/or disconnect the battery. This would then necessitate more frequent shopping trips but then this would lead to more exposure to the virus...viscous circle really 

    Stay Safe and good to have you onboard

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