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Everything posted by knightsmith

  1. Charlie, I haven't had a problem with the car, just the stealership, and Jaguar themselves , which I won't be dealing with anymore . ATB, Trevor P.S. The blues and rock festival went really well, we have had really good feedback, you should come down next year and let your hair down !
  2. Charlie, The reason being is that Vauxhalls are junk ! ATB, Trevor
  3. Paul, Welcome,hope you enjoy the club. My XKR has certainly turned a few heads at our blues festival i've been helping to run . You can usually get the answers you're looking for on here, and they're friendly bunch. ATB, Trevor
  4. Danny, I think you might have to reprogramme the Key to the car, there are some strange ways of doing it and bypassing the stealerships. Really busy tonight and tomorrow with a blues festival i've organised and photographing . If you haven't got it sorted I will investigate further on Monday. But you could try this which I came across after a quick look: "Turn ignitiion on/off 8 times (allow all functions to stabilise) afterthe 9th on - press a button on both remote fobs. then turn ignition off. Use good remote to lock and then try new remote to unlock/lock.sometimes it works first time - sometimes you have to repeat actions" Also found this on this site: http://www.jaguarownersclub.com/forums/topic/5169-having-problems-with-my-key-fob/ ATB, Trevor
  5. Danny, Found this, don't know if it will be of any use, but you never know: " try spraying some WD40 down the key hole of the ignition barrel. there is a little flap that closes when the key is removed, if this does not close properly the fob will not work ." ATB, Trevor
  6. Daniel, Have you checked the main car battery ?, these weird idiosyncrasies (what a good word, i've impressed myself!) can quite often mean that the battery is on it's way out. ATB, Trevor
  7. Jim, Welcome to the club, the XFR is fab, nearly bought ab XFR-S earlier in the year, couldn't find a XFR at the time and the extra for the "S" version didn't really warrant the price. ATB, Trevor
  8. Charlie, I know it is expensive, that's why I don't buy petrol in Ilfracombe. Don't know about Doctors, I give them a wide birth as they're totally useless . Even 'er indoors has been a lot better since I told them all to clear off . ATB, Trevor P.s. It's the third night of my gigathon tonight
  9. Charlie, Fuel has gone down tp £124.9 from £129.9 in Ilfracombe . "as my old grandad used to say, a bottle a day keeps the doctor away." I haven't drunk for over three years, and haven't felt fitter in my life, and haven't been to the doctor since. ATB, Trevor
  10. Peter, It's swings and roundabouts, at least in Devon the car insurances in general are a lot cheapr, the air is fresher, but the water is a lot dearer ATB, Trevor
  11. Charlie, Here in North Devon is varies from £123.9 to £129.9 , Don't use supermarket fuel as it's junk , so don't know how much they charge . In Guildford it was £121.9. ATB, Trevor
  12. Charlie, WHi did you biy another chav nav if the Jag already has one ? Just got back from Guildford after seeing Joan Armatrading, car ran like a dream ! ATB, Trevor
  13. Peter, Perhaps it is something do do with Apple. Do you have bluetooth turned on on the phone . or perhaps your car does not have bluetooth ? ATB, Trevor
  14. Jack, Is Bluetooth enabled on your phone? Do you have the #code to connect? (it is ##3#*# and the pass key is 1313) ATB, Trevor
  15. Andy, Just up the road from me . ATB, Trevor
  16. Rowley, For some reason when problems like these crop up a lot of the time it is an indication that the battery is on it's way out . It is worth checking especially as winter is nearly upon us . Winter check : ATB, Trevor
  17. Billyboy, Dealerships are a bunch of thieves, and Jaguar are no better, their customer relations is dire . ATB, Trevor
  18. Phill, Don't think TATA are all they're cracked up to be, if my dealings with Jaguar this week are anything to go by. ATB, Trevor
  19. Scott, My XJ Supersport never used to get hot and that was a 5 litre V8 supercharged engine . The XKR I have now has the same engine, but doesn't have a temperature gauge, so I don't know how hot it gets . ATB, Trevor
  20. Kenny, As I said it's across the water from me , 22 miles. ATB, Trevor
  21. I can see Philip across the water from me
  22. Charlie, I can't be doing with the things either. ATB, Trevor
  23. Rowley, I would try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes . But go back to the garage if this doesn't fix the problem . Which party of Surrey are you from ? I'm from Guildford and will be there Tuesday to see some music. ATB, Trevor
  24. Simon, Peter has beaten me to it again about Terraclean. We have had very good feed back from members who have used it . ATB, Trevor
  25. Ray, Was going to mention Terraclean, but Peter beat me top it. A lot of members swear by it . ATB, Trevor
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