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Posts posted by Raistlin

  1. The metal they're made from is extremely reactive with water and corrodes rapidly.

    Standard routine is to squirt WD40 into the rotating joint and gradually start working the mirror backwards and forwards, adding more wd40 then Oil, until they move freely.

    Once you can move them by hand, if they are powered, they will work from the switch.

  2. I have to say that the Bowers and Wilkins is a superb system in my view and one of the most worthwhile retrofits I've ever done.

    You are welcome to call in and hear the difference between your setup and mine if you need convincing 🙂

    If you already have the mid range system, the physical installation of the retrofit is reasonably simple. Even if upgrading from the base system there's not a great deal more to do.

    CCF puzzled me for a while until I saw it done by a very kind chap who, unfortunately no longer drives a Jaguar. It is also, with hindsight, a simple procedure.

    Let me know if I can help. I notice you are not far from Wolverhampton if you decide you'd like some moral support for the CCF editing phase 🙂

    You do , in my experience, need a high quality battery support unit as well as SDD, to avoid bricking your car.

    Jaguar dealers are not allowed to carry out the CCF edit as it officially "can't be done" and to be fair, they have never been shown / told how to.

    The offer of assisting, of course, assumes the cessation of the recent restrictions of movement. Both my wife and I are considered vulnerable persons and are therefore hiding behind a mine-field and machine gun emplacement at the moment 😉

  3. I have a litle device which plugs into the OBD port and keeps the system live while the battery is changed. Cost a few quid from eBay.

    On an XF, youm should update the car's system using jaguar Diagnostics. To be fair though I've never heard of any problems if you don't do so.

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  4. Today was the day the my XF was finally graced with a fully working Bowers and Wilkins audio system and six CD changer.

    It's taken a while to get here but well worth the effort. Thanks to my mate Denis who had been lumbered with so much hassle to achieve my wishes and also Graham Knox, who worked the magic with the Diagnostics today 🙂

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  5. Possibly, the diaphragm in your brake servo has been contaminated by brake fluid from the master cylinder, or youe brake servo vacuum pipe is damaged.

    Try getting up to a speed of 30 - 40 mph then pressing brakes on and off several times. If the braking effort suddenly changes then the above is almost certainly the culprit The vacuum reservoir is beingf depleted faster than it can be replenished.

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