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Just a thought.

Old Peter

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As a Moderator I read every post and being retired I have the time to do so.  I have read one post which concerned me somewhat, not because it was offensive, and not because any Rules of the club had been broken, but because it was a bit different.

The club is noted for being a friendly and helpful club.  All the members have something in common  -  they love their Jaguars.  The cars they drive are more or less an example of every car Jaguar have made.  Some have been rescued from the scrap heap, some have been found in a garage or barn and have not been used for years, and some have been bought brand new. Every member has a reason for liking the car they have.  Nothing wrong with personal preferences!  The Club members are from different walks of life and of ages from their late teens to the eighties.

What a better mix could you have?

So what concerned me?  A member said "This site frightens me", and a little think --  and I am sure others will also have had thoughts -- as to what frightened this member.

Some members have had issues with their cars and ask for help. Quite understandable, and the club prides itself for being helpful. It's called sharing experiences.  Some members have not had issues, and can share their good experiences  ---  lucky you [and me]!

New members are usually welcomed to the club, usually by members of Staff because they read all posts, and sometimes by other active members.  Joining a club is a bit like walking into a party  ---   a lot of people know each other and a newcomer needs to get rid of the feeling of  being a stranger.  Sometimes the new member has joined the club because of a problem he or she has with the car and is asking for assistance , which is a tribute to the way the club works.  Sometimes a new member just wants to be part of the Jaguar owners family,  again a tribute.

Again I ask the question -- What frightened the member?   Going back to the party scene "Can I take you coat?" and "What would you like to drink?" are the usual welcomes I have had.  I have never had the greeting "Nice suit, what are you going to do to it to make it a bit smarter"  or "I had a pair of shoes like that, and the heels fell off".

Generally a new owner feels that his or her car is just what they wanted, which is why they bought it, and should not be asked what they are going to do to make it better in the eyes of the questioner.  

The club is a group of friendly people and new members should be welcome in without having requests for them to do something. Putting photographs on the club site  --  there is a members Gallery  --  is a good thing, and will contribute to getting to know the members, but it is not compulsory.  After all, a kilt is not compulsory at a Burns Supper! 

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I totally agree with you Peter and Ken when someone joins the club young or old you like to come in nice and gentle

at first then after a while get to know the members   the layout and then ask a question if you have a problem  .????

This is a friendly club lets keep it that way a friendly welcome is the norm not a demand.??




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Agreed, Peter, 

I observed the post a couple of days ago and felt 'oh heck' at the members comment. To be honest I did feel for the member that they felt unable to continue with their Jaguar ownership due to the amount of comments regarding owners problems, mods etc etc. Not every one wants to modify their car.

Forums do condense a brands issues ( but do not give a true reliability figure per car/item ) and things look far worse than they actually are in real terms.

there is not a brand on this planet that does not have issues and I am grateful to be part of a forum that can help me sort out any problems I may have with my cars.

I hope the member finds peace and confidence by looking at the hundreds of positive stories and support shared here.



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Hi Jim, 

I don't quite agree with you, although I do agree that when a new member joins the club it is not just the role of the Moderator to welcome him or her to the Club.

However, it has been shown that a member has said that the Forum has frightened him, an one is one too many.

The Moderators have been chosen for their experience and could I say tact,  and in many cases have experience in doing the same role in clubs other than Jaguar, and indeed you yourself being an Advanced Member in one Jaguar Club and the Administrator in another will surely understand.

It is possible that a person with great driving skills knows little about what goes on in the mechanics of a car, and another who wants a car for a workhorse might well be put off by a firm request, almost an instruction, when he or she walks through the door of what is a friendly association.

As I said, just a thought, but the analogy is not too wrong.




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Hey everyone.

I can honestly say as a newish well actually new member, I felt very welcomed to the club, on joining I found my way round the site easy and received lots of help in the forum towards sorting my current issue with my car and that's the whole reason I became a premium member (take a little, give a little back) however I can see why some people may be put of for example look at the s type like mine not just on here but all over the net seems to be gearbox issue after gearbox issue however having said that my previous brand of car was turbo after turbo.  However that's the thing with forums and the like in fact anything in life the negatives always seem to stick out more than the possitives, that said with the help of the forums and the more experienced help within them quite often turn those negatives into possitives.  A problem is not a problem it's a opportunity to shine excel and cure the fault.

Even with my current gearbox fault I still love waking up in the morning looking out the window and seeing my first ever jaguar (S-type 3.0 V6) gleaming on my driveway and with my fingers crossed when the parts arrive it will be fixed. 

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Jim, I do feel it must be pointed out that it is most not only for a moderator to make a new member of what we believe to be a great club welcome morso, it is for every member to ensure such. It most definitely is not the purpose of this club / forum to intensionally frighten one or another in any way or form with any topic. The purpose of the club is for one and all to assist each other with any issues that may arise being the owner of such a grand marquee. For instance by profession I am an Electrical Engineer and would be more that happy to assist if anyone encounters any electrical issues however, I also have under my belt a degree in law therefore would be in a suitable position to assist anyone with any motoring laws such like The Road Traffic Act [1988] which would cover speeding offences and the like. In actual fact I have held the position of moderator to a forum that dealt with speeding laws and scameras and gained a lot of knowledge whilst doing so even, making representation within the Courtrooms for members.

This is most definitely a club for comradeship to like minded people for whom should stick together assisting one and all. If any member wants to show off their cars then I'm all for it, I'm proud of mine and would like to participate a little more in club meets etc. Last year I offered to organise a South Wales meet taking our cars around what Clarkson, Hammond and May used for the testing of vehicles whilst on Top Gear like I did for the SL Club however, there was no interest. Shame the Black Mountains and The Brecon Beacons offer some fantastic driving roads whilst the Hotels for social gatherings are second to none in Swansea at very good rates.

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Peter, I will make every effort in tempting the Jaguar Owners Club members to meet in Swansea now that the warmer weather is approaching so that we can all take in the fantastic twisty roads of the Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons for which Hammond and Clarkson could often be found. Actually met Hammond myself on the A4059 between Penderyn and Cantref 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been a member for about eighteen months and after purchasing my first Jaguar I decided to join the Jaguars owners club as I wanted to know a few things about my XF. After posting subjects on the forum I was helped considerably by members who were very friendly and helpful put me at ease with their advice. I have found that this club is a great way to find out what to do about ones car if issues arise before going to any garage which may try and blind you with science if you are not a mechanic. 

Thank you one and all for all your friendly advice you have given me since joining and perhaps be able to meet some of you sometime in the future. 


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Hi Neville, 

It is really nice to see a member appreciating what the Club is about, and sharing experiences, good or bad, really does assist.

The Moderators rarely have to apply the rules to a member, which shows how genuinely  friendly and helpful the members are.

Hopefully there will be some meets organised in the coming months.



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      Please find attached your club label – please can this be distributed amongst your club members prior to the event. Please ensure that they print this label and display it in their windscreen upon entry to the event, this ensures that all members wishing to park within your club area are directed to the correct parking location by our stewards. Please do not modify or add logos to the club label.

      We do ask that all individuals have purchased their tickets on an individual basis in advance via our website, to speed up the entry process on the day. This can be done on our website here until 2pm on the day when admission closes: https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-jaguar.

      Note that we do have two entrances available, one is exhibitors gate at the bottom of the hill as you come in to Beaulieu, with the other being the normal Simply event entrance within the attraction. Either entrance is fine to use and both are open from 9.00am, with the exhibitors entrance closing around 11am.

      Jaguar Owners Club (1).pdf
    • Simply Jaguar - Beaulieu Motor Museum - 25th June 2023
      Jaguar Owners Club have a stand at this years Simply Jaguar event at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire on Sunday 26th June 2023

      Tickets are available online here: https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-jaguar/

      Participant prices are only valid if arriving in a Jaguar and taking part in the rally. They are not valid for those arriving on foot.

      Participants can make the most of our EARLY BIRD discount by booking before 28th February 2023.

      Children under 5 require a ticket, this can be booked online free of charge.

      Participant and visitor tickets will include entrance to the rest of the Beaulieu attraction, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House, Little Beaulieu, World of Top Gear, Beaulieu Abbey and its grounds and gardens.

      The best time for viewing the Simply rally is between 10am and 2pm.





      Participants – Early Bird*



      Participants – Standard & On The Day




      Normal admission applies.

      Normal admission applies

      *Early bird tickets are available until 28th February 2023

      Entry with your Jaguar is from 9am – 2pm. Please make sure you have your ticket printed or available on your phone, ready to be scanned on arrival.

      Please do not arrive early for our Simply rallies as no facilities will be open prior to 9:30am.

      Cars cannot leave and re-enter the grounds for the Simply rallies.



      We do ask for a final update on numbers 2 weeks prior to the event following which we will send out club labels to you via email for you to then distribute out to club members. Club members then need to print and display these in their windscreen on arrival. This helps us then park you all in your club area together.

      1. Trevor (admin)
      2.  Paj
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