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I have a 2012 xf s. I bought the map update from Jaguar, it comes on a usb stick and slots into the usb slot under the centre arm rest.


When plugged in it comes up after a few seconds and invites you to input a registration number, the problem i have is that the number needs to be eight characters long my code (i assume as it doesn't actually say its the code) on the card shipped with it is more than that and consists of a letter, a few numbers, a - and a space. Obviously somethings wrong. I have emailed support so we'll see what they say.


Onto USB music; I found that it's a little fussy with MP3. Theres no polite way of saying this, Jaguars idea of USB/MP3 integration is rubbish. Some MP3 downloads work some don't. MP3 music that you have no problem with connected to any device from streaming audio devices to TV's may work fine but some how Jaguar have made a pigs ear of it, to be fair most car manufactures do as well, although in my experience after market car radio or ICE systems don't.  Its why people like Apple and Google have spotted a business opportunity and have started in care entertainment devisions.  

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I have never had any trouble with music on the USB stick , perhaps it is the quality of the downloads, mine are always 320 KPS , and i've never had any trouble with the system on Both Jags, both Astons, and Both BMW's.


I would say there is a possibility your system has a fault .


Apple and quality music is a contradiction, Ipod (total rubbish), and Itunes is possibyt the worst software I have ever come across . Wouldn't use Apple stuff even if it was free.


Not used google, so can't comment .


As I said, I have never had a problem with USB sticks in any vehicle i've had.





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Phil, I'm assuming you got your map update from navigation.com  As you can see from my post (a few up) I have recently updated my maps from their usb stick OK. The code I had to input at start of map update was the one printed on my receipt from them. It is printed against the item and marked as ACTIVATION CODE: xxxxxxxx. Its fairly straight forward but I point this out only as its small print and doesn't jump out at you. My apols if you have found it, otherwise hope this helps.

Once you get going; just to reiterate, during the update you can't use anything else via the screen and mine took 2.75 hours to complete. I did interrupt it once (car not started and electrical system powered down) but it picked up from where it left off and completed OK, contrary to others here reporting problems if interrupted.

Hope this helps.   

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Thanks for the offer Trevor.


I'll just be careful what I copy. I'll try burning to disc and see how that goes. It would help if Jaguar indicated that the device is being scanned instead the system goes through every track on an album to tell you it can't read it and you just have to wait for it to finish reading (not) the whole thing. 


I have compiled a playlist (known as Phil's old man music) from Spotify via a, probably, illegal streaming app that converts to MP3. Frustrated because i can play this anywhere but not my posh car! Had to copy the playlist to my phone and stream it via bluetooth in the end. Hey ho!!!


Good point about Apple, I personally detest iTunes and over zealous DRM. Although I'm typing this on a MAC but i'm one of that rare bread that think Apple are over priced and hyped. Say that on line and wait for the fan boy trolls to start!!!!



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Just a thought, if you car is 2012, shouldn't it be under warranty ? why not give the dealership a ring and see what they have to say. I does sound like your system s faulty if doesn't read properly read properly .


The place where you get your music from sounds dodgy,it shouldn't have to convert it to MP3, it should be in that format anyhow .


I will PM you a link for a small programme to download which is very reliable, and you will be able to see all my music on my computer .





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You are right, Apple is over priced, over hyped, and overrated .But fair do's brilliant advertising , they have made most Apple users believe that they think differently, and on a higher level to the rest of us .


Even my daughter falls for it and she's a doctor ( a psychiatrist ), needles to say she also reads the Guardian .


They have no sens of humour either. I got banned form Facebook for this picture when they released a version of their Ipad a year or so ago. I thought it was quite funny, got threatened with legal action bless 'em .







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Just finished updating the satnav on my 2012 xf. In case anyone else is thinking of doing the same thing there are a couple of points I can pass on:


1. The code you need is on the invoice not in the box as you may expect. Big thanks to this forum for that little snippet Don't bother with the Nokia web site called here.com (details in the box), if you want update notification get it from Jaguar


2. My update took almost three hours not the two and a half stated. No matter - I now have roads where previously only fields of nothingness existed


My daily milage would have meant months taken to complete the update so I went for a drive (nobody goes for a drive anymore - do they????). It was an interesting experience when you're in no rush to get anywhere and you can't use the radio/cd/usb/ipod. Made me slow down and concentrate more and play with the MPG figures, I managed to get from 23mpg (dynamic on, sport selected and paddles used - great fun) and 60. something (very boring but i think a quite remarkable figure). I averaged 46mpg for a trip on mostly quiet A roads. Well done Lord Tata, a fine job  


I've only had this car for a week so still finding what I like and what I'm not so keen on. XFs Portfollio is a great place to sit, i'm amazed that a Oil burner can be so refined, its amazingly quiet, its not until you get to about 35 that you notice ANY wind or road noise (how do they do that?), it goes too, next to no lag when you use the right boot unlike most of the German stuff i tried before walking into the local Jag stealer. The seats are brilliant too

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Glad the update worked for you and agree with your comments on the 3.0 Portfolio, just had mine for 6 months. The most frustrating thing I find is the poor or lack of documentation, particularly the sat nav system. Lots of trial and error to find out most of the useful things it can do; why isn't it properly documented, or am I missing something !

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I think its the same with a lot of tech, the options are endless so a concise manual becomes so big to make it almost unusable.


I have a DSLR camera that has a massive amount of options and what they do is to have an option of pressing a help button that brings up a context sensitive help screen. 


Car manufacturers have always been a bit behind with ICE, the sooner they pass the whole caboodle onto the likes of Apple or Google car the better off we'll all be. If they made cars hotspots as well we could be doing firmware updates from home and not have to rely on dealers to keep systems up to date to say nothing of third party apps that would be developed. All Tata would need to do is have a quality tested and approved system. I for one find the Jag ICE screen to small and sometimes illogical. A screen that docks or folds away about as big as an iPad would fit the bill. The latest Audis do this and if you look at a Tesler dash you can see where this is going

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The day Jag use Apple, will be the day I stop buying them .


i don't have any problems at all with my ICE , I find it excellent.


In the rear of the XJ Supersport I had, the rear entertainment was controlled by a screen a bit smaller than a tablet which could be taken out of the arm rest, this controlled the rear televisions and audio .


I also have a DSLR camera , it is excellent, but I think at times they over complicate things . My main gripe is that after eight miles on Exmoor it tends to get rather heavy, so I seldom take it, which defeats the object .


I do take a lot of pics at music venues though





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Hi Trevor


I know you're not a fan of all things Apple, fair enough everyman to his own. I'm no big fan either but my point is that technological progress will continue and more often than not we get useful innovation. As technology progresses it becomes more complex and develops into sub specialist categories. How many car manufacturers make their own gearboxes these days? The technology became specialist thats why companies like ZF exist. ICE is going the same way 


I only mention Apple because they have formed a dedicated car tech devision, as have Google. I'll bet there are loads of people who were quite happy with an AM radio and a cassette and can see no reason to change. 



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Hi Chaps


Good to see the Satnav is still generating a long debate. I still have my problem that since the updated DVD (2012 thanks Trevor) my radio is really poor and loses reception for a pastime. AM works fine but as soon as I drive any distance it drops the signal and struggles to regain it. In addition to that when I turn the engine off with the radio on and working fine when I restart the radio doesn't come on and I have to push the power switch at least twice to get it come on again.


It is going in for a service in a couple of weeks but I am not holding out much hope in Jaguar sorting it!



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Have they moved on from Cassette ? , I'm shocked !


I take you point, perhaps I'm over fussy being an ex music researcher and music reviewer . And if the reproduction isn't of the highest quality I don't like it . If you ever meet the wife please don't mention my headphones or in ear monitors , she just cannot believe how much I spent on them (it isn't jewellery ), but they sound superb! .


I don't know about Google , but where it comes to music reproduction, Apple are shocking . It isn't that they can't make something decent , but they don't need to , as some people will buy anything if it has "Apple" printed on it .


She also persuaded me to get rid of my beloved Hi-Fi (showing my age now) and get a Bose Waveform. She is lucky I am still speaking to her !





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Surely you're not using a stealership ?


Just had more words with the one I bought the XKR from about lying to me.


Regarding the radio, Am , how quaint ! . We don't have the best reception down here at the best of times, but it should work better than it does for you





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I love your post Trevor, always amusing. Close to my experience too, I've had the same "lack of understanding" from she who must be obeyed!


I'll make a confession here, I am a complete geek with anything techno. I love my music as well although not a pro like yourself.


I always thought quality sound in a car was a waste until I listed to a CD on the B&W compared with a highish bit rate MP3. I'll try a few lostless tracks next.


Bet you love DAB then?????? 



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I's still using CDs, though my children all have iPods and suchlike technical things.


We had a DAB radio but it ate batteries and eventually failed totally.


I suppose that I will eventually come round to modernising a bit and I did buy a sound bar to improve sound quality on my TV.



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I love DAB, listen to no other way for the radio. as for the USB stick I wish the jag system could cope with flac (lossless) which is the dog's bits .


CD's, how quaint are you ? , not used those in years (even in Devon ) .


Have you managed to get to grip with soulseek yet? if not, tell me what music you would like and i'll sort some for you .


Live music is my favourite thing


Got loads of classical concerts coming up in a week or so, then Joan Armatrading .





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Have three DAB radios in the house never had a problem . Got a Roberts one with rechargeable batteries in it, works really well .


  Ipod's are just junk, you can get better sounding MP3 players for £30 tell your kids .





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Interesting debate


I don't have a problem with DAB, love the choice and being able to listen to 5 live. I don't like the low bit rate though, fine for voice but not so great for music.   


Trevor your a cheeky beggar (LOL) - how quaint indeed! I had to dig out a CD from the boxes and boxes of the things i cant quite bring myself to get rid of in order to conduct my experiment. I went digital years ago, I spent six months of evenings ripping all my CD collection to 320br  MP3.  Lossless is better but not always easy to get hold of.


Haven't had a chance to play with soulseek yet, but i will, looks interesting


Concerts sound good, ill bet Joan knocks out a good tune these days? 


I don't tell my kids about Apples poor music reproduction quality, i show them. I use a Sony phone or, my favourite a little gizmo bought years ago made by SanDisk that sounds great and has a battery life measured in weeks not hours

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I never get rid of music, have loads of CD's in the loft, along with LP's and cylinders .


I'm glad you're educating the younger people . I bought the wife a Sansa Clip (also made by sanDisk,) think it was £30 , and will knock spots off any Ipod going for music reproduction .


But credit where it's due, Apple have brilliant advertising, they have made their "clients" believe that they think differently . Have you noticed it's always an "Iphone" or an Ipad", or an "Ipod" , and not a "phone", "Tablet", or "MP3" player . I take my hat off to them.


They were not impressed by my suggested new logo for them though .


"The basis of good advertising is psychological manipulation"





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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Dave


I have a 2012 XF S portfolio. My update was via an outrageously expensive (twice the cost of lifetime updates on a Garmin satnav) Jaguar sourced USB stick. It took about two and a half hours to complete.


The USB reader is not brilliant. I have found it very fussy, sometimes it reads and other times it indexes and list the albums and tracks but wont play. Very frustrating, I had an after market Pioneer in my previous car and that would read almost anything so the Jag is doubly frustrating. I ended up burning from the USB stick to a DVD and that works fine.


To end on a positive note: What a car, quick when you want it to be and so very quiet the rest of the time. It dawned on me whilst out and about the other day - this is the only car I've owned where I can't hear the windscreen wipers!  As a simple soul I'm easily impressed 





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    • Simply Jaguar - Beaulieu Motor Museum - 25th June 2023
      Jaguar Owners Club have a stand at this years Simply Jaguar event at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire on Sunday 26th June 2023

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